About us
The Rebberg-Zendo Wettingen is a place where one may experience silence, oneness and diversity, the way is transmitted in various Zen traditions. Under our roof several traditions have a home. The various teachers working here live together in the community “Acting from Silence“. They practice and teach in nuances the line in which they received their training. The weekly meditation and the advertised courses are designed accordingly.
The place is open to everyone willing to practice sitting in concentration (Zazen). The weekly groups are open to practitioners of various traditions.
Presently the following traditions are represented at the Zendo:

Jürgen Lembke
Kenzan Sensei (Zen teacher of the Glassman-Lassalle Zen-Linie)
Spiritual direction via integralis
We share one world. It is a world with diverse teachings. Zazen, sitting in concentration beyond forms and concepts is a precious path which may help to keep the grip while being confronted with a multitude of opinions. As president of the association Via Integralis, the contemplation school founded by Pia Gyger and Niklaus Brantschen I intend to bring various traditions i.e. the Zen Buddhist and Christian tradition into proximity.
Spiritual formations
After a extended introductory retreat in the Vipassana tradition in Thailand 1992 start with the Zen studies with Niklaus Brantschen. 2018 appointed Dharma Holder (Hoshi) and received on 21st November 2020 Dharma transmission from Niklaus Brantschen Roshi.
Participation in various Bearing Witness Retreats of the Zen-Peacemakers. Since 2010 Zen Street Retreats. 2012 accreditation to lead Zen Street Retreats in the tradition of the Zen-Peacemaker by Genro Gauntt Roshi.
Formation as a contemplations teacher of Via Integralis.
Biographical background
Project manager in a renowned software company. Committed to integration and intercultural and interreligious communication. For several years, he has been involved in international peace and reconciliation projects.
Studies in nursing with a focus on psychiatry, master's studies in intercultural communication and management (all but thesis).
Since the founding of the via integralis contemplation teacher association until February 2023, active on the board as president.

Jorge KOHO Dellamora Mello
Soto-Zen Monk, meditation teacher, educator and therapist.
I love to learn and try to integrate theory and practice. I regard nature as the great book and the body as the lead instrument of daily practice. Zen offered me the frame which reaches beyond concepts. I consider spirituality as something more profound than any religion and I am deeply grateful for expieriencing early on the rich diversity provided in contact with Brasilian culture.
Spiritual Training
He began his practice in Japanese Zen 1996 with Daigyo Moriyama Roshi, of whom he received 2003 the precepts (Jukai). Ordination (Shukke Tokudo) in 2008, by Shingetsu Coen Roshi. Dharma-fight (Hossenshiki) in 2019, by Junnyu Kuroda Roshi. Dharma-transmission (Shiho) of the Zen-Peacemaker Order 2018, by Barbara Salaam Angyo Wegmüller Roshi. Presently under guidance by Tenkei Coppens Roshi of the Zen River Temple, Nederlands.
Biographical backgound
Formation in bodywork therapie - specialised in Shiatsu in the Shizuto-Masunaga-Line - by Hisayuki Yasui Sensei (Atsu-Kai-Schule). 3 years of formation in family and couples therapy (Infapa). Technician for system analytics and educator for methodology and didactics (Desed-Cefor, Banco do Brasil). Trainer - black belt 2nd Dan - of Aikido (Aikikai / Insbrai). Educator in the Gaia Education Programm in the field of global vision and regenerative oeconomie. Works at Wohnheim Zürichberg and in the community ambulatory Kreuzplatz in Zürich.
Zürich Zen Center
- Email: zurichzencenter@gmail.com
- Facebook: fb.me/zencenterzurich
- Instagram: @zurichzencenter

Marge DAIEN Oppliger Pinto
Zen nun, meditation teacher
I love to accompanie people to discover their true self and their ressources.
To assist people to find their way is my highest goal.
The spiritual dimension is the ethical frame that permeates the personal and professional aspect of my life.
In courses and retreats I offer silence combined with art and bodywork.
Spiritual Training
Since 1990 studies of tibetan buddhist tradition with Lama Padma Samten and Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche.
Received Jukai in 2010 und ordination (Shukke Tokudo) in2012 by Shingetsu Coen Roshi, Via Zen, Brasil.
Received Jukai in 2017 in the tradition of the Zen Peacemakers Order by Barbara Angyo Wegmüller Roshi, Bern.
From 1996 - 2010 training in dance-meditation in the linie of Tara's Mandala dance with Prema Dasara and Anahata Iradah.
Biographical background
Studies in art therapy, special needs paedagogy, teacher of the Waldorf School, Yoga- und respiration-therapist.
Works at the Rudolf Steiner Schule Zürich.
Mother of two adult children.

Dr. Markus Heil
Contemplation teacher via integralis Level 2
To touch the essence of Christianity thru silence.
To honor the other religions in this very core as equals.
From this source originates the drive to change and form the Church and especially to overcome ecclesiastic torpor.
Spiritual Training
Aquanted at the age of 16 with silence - in the form of Centering Prayer by Basil Pennington O.C.S.O. 9 years later I participated for the first time in contemplation weeks with Franz Jalics SJ and continued this practice for fifteen years. Thereafter I participated in spiritual exercices with the Sisters of Grandchamps. At age 45 I discovered new horizons on occasion of two visits to Plumvillage with Thich Nhat Hanh. Since then my way was coined by inter religiosity and I began to be a Zen student of Niklaus Brantschen SJ Roshi Simultaneously I completed the formation as contemplation teacher Via Integralis. During the past three years I participated annualy in the Bearing Witness Retreats of the Zen Peacemakers at Auschwitz. Presently I immerse in the experience that comes with being present at the Rebberg Zendo.
Biographical background
As a pastor my aim is directed towards a vital faith - my own and the one of my fellow human beings. Many years I invested in various Church reform initiatives. This covered very important details. Today I search for the essential, that what touches the religious aspect in humans. I want to liberate this just like a fountain is freed from rubble, so as to have access to the fresh water.